
Zoom webinar
Zoom webinar

zoom webinar

Complete the request form and submit by clicking on the Order Now button.

zoom webinar

  • Search for “web conferencing” using the search bar at the top of the screen and click on the Web Conferencing Request.
  • zoom webinar

    To schedule a Zoom webinar, complete an Web Conferencing Request. Video Webinar Resources from Zoom Support.Learn more about the differences between a webinar and a meeting. Webinars can be held once, can reoccur in a series, or can be the same session held multiple times. Webinars can require preregistration-with the option for the host to add custom registration questions-or registration can be turned off so that attendees can join simply by clicking a link at the time of the webinar. As the host or a panelist in a webinar, you can share your screen, video, and audio, while attendees can use question and answer options to interact with the host and panelists. Zoom Webinar allows you to host a Zoom meeting with up to 500 participants, including panelists and attendees. Requests to use the webinar license should be made a minimum of one week in advance of the actual webinar event. This article provides information about Zoom Webinar and outlines the process for scheduling the use of the shared license. The School of Education has a shared Zoom Webinar license that can be used by faculty and staff for school-sponsored events.

    Zoom webinar